Kapono Ciotti

Kapono Ciotti, Executive Director of What School Could be, started as a teacher and school leader, then worked with educational change organisations, leading the work of Deeper Learning and place and culture-based pedagogy. In these roles, he has trained teachers in over 100 schools and districts over 4 continents, impacting hundreds of thousands of students. Kapono spent 15 years as National Faculty for the National Association of Independent Schools in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice, facilitating national and international learning experiences. He has authored multiple curricula for federal and non-profit programs. His work has significantly contributed to the organisations What School Could Be, The Buck Institute, EdLeader21, The Pacific American Foundation, and many others. Kapono holds a Ph.D. in International Education Leadership from Northcentral University, a Masters degree in Social Change and Development from the University of Newcastle, and a Bachelors of Language and Culture from the Evergreen State College.

28 October, Saturday

10:45am – 12:00pm

Dr Montessori changed the world with her brilliant ideas about What Schools Could Be, and yet too few kids are learning in environments inspired by her wisdom to the extent needed to effect social reform and create peaceful societies. Why has the “spark” of the movement not yet turned into a “brush fire” and what can we learn from modern school reform movement that might inspire a new generation of Montessori educators and learners?
