Sunday, 12 March
11:30am – 12:30pm
concurrent workshops - select one
Are you sick of knowing you are exceeding and finding the assessor doesn’t view things the same way as you? What can you do to change their perception and what paperwork is required to meet the criteria? How can you explain Montessori in plain English in discussions and in print? We will go through the basic area needs, documentation required, and how to present this to an assessor. Moreover we will also look at how to implement this into your daily practice as an educator without taking more time away from the children for whom you care.
Sunday, 12 March
2:30pm – 3:30pm
concurrent workshops - select one
The Assessment and Rating process inspires stress and fear in educators almost universally, even those who are confident in their practices. Having an external person viewing and marking performance is always confronting. This panel session is an opportunity to ask questions around the process, the best preparation and the outcomes of an A&R process.