Shelley Davidow

This presentation explores the teacher’s inner development journey as one of ‘becoming’ -–a movement towards attaining ‘freedom of thought.’ The presentation considers indications that Steiner gave to facilitate the potentially deeply creative act of teaching and learning in our educational settings – and which can be taken up in any educational setting. It looks at the value of this journey for its transformative potential in education. If teaching is an art, as Steiner posits, then the teacher is always, to some degree, an artist in the broadest sense, and the journey is as important as the destination.

Sunday 29 October

1:00pm – 2:00pm

concurrent workshops - select one

This presentation explores the teacher’s inner development journey as one of ‘becoming’ -–a movement towards attaining ‘freedom of thought.’ The presentation considers indications that Steiner gave to facilitate the potentially deeply creative act of teaching and learning in our educational settings – and which can be taken up in any educational setting. It looks at the value of this journey for its transformative potential in education. If teaching is an art, as Steiner posits, then the teacher is always, to some degree, an artist in the broadest sense, and the journey is as important as the destination.
